24th of Canceron, 1055, the Ninth Year of Garibalus

The Personal Journal of Yugao

By Matthew Vetrini

I’m not sure who I’m writing this for; perhaps it’s just to get the thoughts out of my head.

Since finding and rejoining the group, I have had no clue for whom or what they fight, other than themselves. As a lifelong foot solider, and now as a ranking member of the Order Secret Command, I understand my role. But I fear my comrades have strayed too far from any understandable mission toward a coherent objective, let alone the destruction of the Revenarum. Perhaps they were given too much latitude?

When I rejoined them, they had somehow ended up fighting amongst themselves, throwing us into that place of martial peril. When we returned to Hauther, I found that they had discovered a floating city of the Ancients on the Isle of Marr, a wonder filled with untold magics that could be helpful in our fight against the Revenarum, only for them to drop the entire city from the sky and smash it to ruins upon the earth. Then, they found and freed an Ancient prisoner, a self-proclaimed Scion of Magic. What potential such an ally would have had in our plight; but no, they were more concerned with infusing themselves with primordial and arcane powers than entreating for assistance.

They have had grand adventures, each enough for a lifetime alone: they have entreated with the undersea kingdoms, discovered the inheritors of the Ancients, crossed through the Plague Lands closer to Thyrell than any before, met with the fabled Krendiri elves, rediscovered a pass through the Hirols, and even met an outcast of the Revenarum, named “The Mother” with a whole army of blood plagued of her own she offered to our cause, yet what allies have they gained that will aid us in our plight? What artifacts have they discovered that would turn the tide against the blood plague hordes?

They have squandered their opportunities for gaining allies, and whatever artifacts they have discovered, they covet and secret away from the Order, claiming Ulene cannot be trusted, and therefore the Order cannot be trusted. They are clearly no longer loyal to the Silver Order or maybe even the cause, and thus I say again, I fear they have strayed from our sworn oath to protect Hauther or die trying.

They argue over morality while Hauther withers under the renewed surge of blood plagued. I urge my comrades to recognize that whether it is a goblin or a renegade blood plague zombie, a Krendiri elf or a fish man, an ally in this battle against darkness is an ally we need.

Why does everything have to be so complicated with these snowflakes?

Who cares what the dwarves think about our platoon of super-solider blood plagued? We can use them in so many ways, yet no, we must send them back to the mother!  By Tydothos’s hand, they make something as simple as whether or not kill a bunch of goblins, rescue an Ogre, or just move on past them a debate. The primary question should always be what gets us toward our goal. I put this lack of mission objective down to everything has to be overly complicated with these people.

Sometimes I wish there were a Tydothos Bitch Slap spell. I may need to double my efforts to learn mind influence magic.

If it doesn’t help us with our sacred mission, then ignore it. If it gets in the way, then kill them all and let Tydothos sort it out. Simple. Elegant. Effective.

I am not certain that the blood plague hasn’t caused them to become delusional. Ulene has given the Order significant information and resources in our plight, especially now that the outlands are under assault, and yet they hide and conspire against her, devising a way to assassinate her, claiming she is one of the Revenarum. They are totally delusional!

I mustn’t let this distract me from they ultimate mission.

The only clarity is vengeance and death.

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