Chapter 2: Character Creation

The Roleplaying System

This campaign material is not intended as a stand-alone roleplaying game. Instead, it uses the Generic Universal Roleplaying System (GURPS). GURPS was chosen because it offers an unparalleled system for custom character creation and realistic game play. However, it is up to the players to decide just how realistic they prefer to play. If they prefer a more representative style of play, then the GURPS system can be adjusted to satisfy. Of course, if players prefer to use a different system, the following character creation information can still be used to guide the character creation process in another system.

Even though this campaign setting uses elements from various GURPS rulebooks, it isn’t intended as a replacement for the GURPS sourcebooks. Explanations and details pertinent to this specific setting are provided here, but references to various GURPS sourcebooks are made. Refer References for all of the GURPS sourcebook abbreviations and how to read their tags.

2.1  Character Creation Basics

2.2  Character Races

2.3  Character Archetypes

2.4  Advantages and Disadvantages

2.5  Skills

2.6  Equipment

2.7  Bringing It Together

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