2.2 Character Races


The overall history of the major races in Hauther were already touched upon in Chapter 1, so what is described below are the races in more detail, especially common traits and attributes. Even though a particular race may have a description, if it doesn’t have a template then it isn’t available as a player-character. Even if there is a template, the game master may disallow certain races from being selected as player-characters as they may not fit within the campaign envisioned. Therefore, refer to the game master before choosing a race for you character.

Racial Templates

A player-character race may include a racial template, which is a list of attribute modifiers or other traits associated with the race. The racial templates list only which traits are included or optional for the race. If there is no entry for particular category, such as basic attributes, then there is no adjustment available for it. The base character point value of the template is listed as Character Points under the template heading. This value only consists of the point values in brackets that are included for the race. The point values for optional traits or skills in brackets and must be added to the template’s base character point value before the template is applied to the character. When you chose a race for your character, you must add the final character point value and apply the racial template to your character before you move on to the next step in the character creation process. You can choose only one racial template.

Mixed Ethnicities

Although mixed ethnicities occur in almost every race across Ferron, for game purposes, only human player-characters are likely to be of mixed ethnicity. To create a human character with mixed ethnicities, apply the traits that are included with each template, and then choose the optional traits you want from each template. Some traits my be redundant, so be sure to discuss your choices with the game master to work out a final total.

A player who wishes to create an elf or dwarf with a mixed ethnicity may do so with the game master’s approval and by spending extra character points as the game master deems fit for the Unusual Background advantage (p. B-96). Once the game master has given approval, simply follow the process explained above for humans.

Mixed Races

Although not mentioned in Chapter 1, there are no mixed races in Ferron because humans, elves, and dwarves cannot interbreed successfully. Social stigma aside, this has not deterred some mixed-race couples from trying, but the few documented pregnancies as a result of interbreeding have ended in miscarriages. There has never been a documented birth, even of nonviable offspring, of mixed-race couplings.

2.2a  Humans

2.2b  Dwarves

2.2c  Elves

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